There are a few key considerations that we'll discuss with you before we get started:
Are you facing an increase to your rateable value?
The Valuation Office Agency has revalued every property in England and Wales. These values will be what your business rates liability will be based on for the next three years. To see what your new rateable value is, please visit the Valuation Office Agency's website.
What do you do if your rateable value has increased?
It is a daunting prospect to face increased overheads in the current economic climate. There are multiple methods to reduce your rateable value, to discuss what possibilities there are for you, please get in touch.
What if your rateable value hasn't increased but you still feel like you are paying too much?
Just because your rateable value has stayed the same, or maybe even decreased, it doesn't mean you aren't due a further reduction.
In some scenarios, a decrease in rateable value through the 2023 Revaluation could unlock reliefs for you and your business.